Saturday, July 4, 2009


i'm home.

Friday, July 3, 2009

the final countdown.

we're leaving tomorrow morning.

i feel like we've been here for a lifetime, but that simply doesn't seem long enough.

ha long bay was one of the most beautiful places i've ever gotten to experience.
the legend of the island and the surrounding waters has something to do with a dragon and the dragon pooping.
i'm not really sure the details of it.
but poop makes me giggle.
so, i giggled and didn't hear the particulars.

we took a nice long boat ride to the island and got to see a floating village. (legit)
and we ventured out on a tiny thing that they claimed was also a boat, but i would call it a piece of wood, and everyone jumped out into the water.
i sat on the piece of wood and played photographer.
we climbed inside of caves and up a lot of slippery stairs.
oh yeah, we sweat a bunch and have some gnarly sunburns.
it was brilliant.

we had our last meal in hanoi tonight
and then! we went to see a water puppet show.
in water.
best thing i've ever seen.

and tomorrow, i am home.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


so i lied.
we are not sleeping on a boat.
we are not even currently on a boat.
we are currently in hanoi.

tomorrow we're heading to hai long bay and there WE WILL be getting on a boat for the day.
and then we're spending the night on the island.

hanoi is the capital and a crazy little place.
it's strange because we're just tourists here, seeing as our work is done and we're just here to see the city.
and, there are foreigners everyone. 

this morning it was hard to wake up so early.
this morning it was harder leave our friends at the gates as we boarded the plane.
this morning we finished another leg of our journey.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


this very well may be my last blog from vietnam.
tomorrow we are taking an hour long flight to hanoi where we will be until saturday morning when we journey home.
we're staying on a boat.
i'm guessing the boat doesn't have wifi.

but there is always the possibility.

we decided not to say goodbye to anyone, only see you later.
i'm determined to see these wonderful wonderful people we have all spent the last month week at another time. maybe another place. but definitely again.

today a couple of us took the hour long ride by motorbike to hoian.
and the hour long ride back.
two hours out in the sun on the back of a motorbike equals a MEAN sunburn.
i have been seriously laughed at since we've been back, and i'm sure all of my friends waiting at home will have some good laughing to partake in as well.
maybe it will just turn into a tan?
let's hope for that.

so long danang!
see you later.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Sunday, June 28, 2009

bana resort.

we just returned from an overnight visit to the bana resort which rests in the mountains of danang.
we took a gondola ride up to the top, the steepest gondola ride in the world in fact, and spent the evening exploring and keeping warm by a huge bonfire.
it was cold!
we actually had to wear jackets.
and i had goosebumps.
it was beautiful.

our work is done, and in the days remaining we'll be flying to hanoi and staying in halong bay.
i still haven't quite come to the realization that by this time next week i will be home and dealing with jetlag.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


there is a possibility i am not feeling so good and that i had to leave our day camp today earlier seeing as the facilities were not exactly comfortable for someone whose stomach was feeling the way mine was.
yes, that is what i'm saying.

however, reports about the day-long summer camp have thus far been fantastic.
and the weather hasn't been too bad either.
i made it long enough to star in a play about treating the environment with care in which i played the role of the all powerful mother earth.
upsetting is the fact that i did not get to impart my ribbon dancing skill upon these tiny little children.
oh well.
another time.

in other news, marissa amanda and i took our sweet time exploring the city last night for a good four hours. (that's a more glamorous way of saying we got lost in our attempt to find the grocery store)