Friday, July 3, 2009

the final countdown.

we're leaving tomorrow morning.

i feel like we've been here for a lifetime, but that simply doesn't seem long enough.

ha long bay was one of the most beautiful places i've ever gotten to experience.
the legend of the island and the surrounding waters has something to do with a dragon and the dragon pooping.
i'm not really sure the details of it.
but poop makes me giggle.
so, i giggled and didn't hear the particulars.

we took a nice long boat ride to the island and got to see a floating village. (legit)
and we ventured out on a tiny thing that they claimed was also a boat, but i would call it a piece of wood, and everyone jumped out into the water.
i sat on the piece of wood and played photographer.
we climbed inside of caves and up a lot of slippery stairs.
oh yeah, we sweat a bunch and have some gnarly sunburns.
it was brilliant.

we had our last meal in hanoi tonight
and then! we went to see a water puppet show.
in water.
best thing i've ever seen.

and tomorrow, i am home.


  1. Welcome back! I'm so glad that you had a great time. We threw a farewell party yesterday and someone gave me a notebook to write down my experiences. Hopefully I can look back on my year as you can with your blog. I leave Monday.

    But we WILL stay in touch. <3

  2. duh we will.
    i would have it no other way.
