Friday, May 29, 2009

last day.

today is was our first last day.
we have finished our week of working here at the orphanage.
i am so attached and most definitely heartbroken to have to leave.
i wish i could adequately describe what this short week's experience has meant to me, but i can't.
maybe after i have a little bit of time to sort through my thoughts and make sure that i have the images of these little darlings burned permanently in my head, i can make a second attempt.

tomorrow we are going to see the old war tunnels.
being the peace-loving, war-hating, hate-hating person that i have always been, and coupled with the vietnam-loving person that i now am, i am not at all excited.

on monday we leave for DaNang where we will have our second beginning.
i am very much excited.

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