Thursday, May 28, 2009

there is no peanut butter in vietnam.

if you would like to send me some, i would be overjoyed.
however, i haven't a clue as to how you would do so.

last night, as i was sleeping, i was sure that i heard four gun shots in a row.
i was positive there was as some dangerous and also very exciting happening.
unfortunately, it was simply the circuits breaking due to an overflow of energy.
evidently the vietnamese are very actively using technology at 4:30am.
i, personally, enjoy actively sleeping at that point in the AM, but each to their own.

(the battery on the computer is about to die! i'm typing quick!)

i made a new friend today named Nam.
he's a gorgeous little boy who wouldn't let me even touch him before this afternoon, but now we're getting along quite well. 
he even let me sing to him, and if you've ever heard my voice, you know that's saying a lot.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard the same thing about Chile! I don't regret my decision... yet. This is so awesome, catching up on your life out there.
