Saturday, May 23, 2009

we have arrived.

we are in ho chi minh city, also known as siagon, in beautiful vietnam.
after a very very long plane ride (i watched the first half of bride wars, the first twenty minutes of the wrestler and most of valkrie before i gave up and decided to sleep) we hopped into a big taxi, sweat more that we have ever sweat before, and saw the city.

here are a couple of highlights from our adventuring yesterday:
-one man at the market and i discovered we were both partial to obama, so we proceeded to give each other a thumbs-up for a solid two minutes.
-i met bin laden (KIDDING!), but that is how one vietnamese man decided to introduce was funny, i promise.
-i had some coca-cola light because, and i blame this on my mother, i can not go very long without a diet coke these days.
-i rode of the back of a moped, which will never happen again because i nearly died, three times.
-my team had traditional vietnamese pho for lunch, because i'm vegan i had rice.
-it rained. really hard. but it was still very hot.
-i had the best iced coffee i will ever have, and proceeded to eat the ice before anyone told me it might not have been the best idea.
-i watched my friend amanda get a pedicure in the park after the woman insisted her toes were simply terrible. now, amanda just could not have that, so now they are bright pink and beautiful.

while here, we are staying and working at an orphanage for disabled children.
we began this morning and i'm already exhausted.
but these kids are worth it a hundred times over.


  1. My prayers are with you and I will keep up with you through your blog! Love you!

  2. im so glad you guys are safe and sound. stay off the motorbikes!
