Sunday, June 28, 2009

bana resort.

we just returned from an overnight visit to the bana resort which rests in the mountains of danang.
we took a gondola ride up to the top, the steepest gondola ride in the world in fact, and spent the evening exploring and keeping warm by a huge bonfire.
it was cold!
we actually had to wear jackets.
and i had goosebumps.
it was beautiful.

our work is done, and in the days remaining we'll be flying to hanoi and staying in halong bay.
i still haven't quite come to the realization that by this time next week i will be home and dealing with jetlag.


  1. Drink lots of water, and adjust your sleep schedule to your arrival time zone. The biggest problem is that you always wanna sleep till you're tired DON'T DO IT! Stay up until at least 11 pm home time.

    Also, adjust your food schedule as well. Airlines serve food according to your departing time zone, so it oftern aids in dun dun dun - jetlag. Try saving your food until it's when you should eat it by Cali time. Unless you always eat at weird times lol. I had jetlag for well over a week after Cambodia. You DON'T want that.
