Tuesday, June 30, 2009


this very well may be my last blog from vietnam.
tomorrow we are taking an hour long flight to hanoi where we will be until saturday morning when we journey home.
we're staying on a boat.
i'm guessing the boat doesn't have wifi.

but there is always the possibility.

we decided not to say goodbye to anyone, only see you later.
i'm determined to see these wonderful wonderful people we have all spent the last month week at another time. maybe another place. but definitely again.

today a couple of us took the hour long ride by motorbike to hoian.
and the hour long ride back.
two hours out in the sun on the back of a motorbike equals a MEAN sunburn.
i have been seriously laughed at since we've been back, and i'm sure all of my friends waiting at home will have some good laughing to partake in as well.
maybe it will just turn into a tan?
let's hope for that.

so long danang!
see you later.

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