Tuesday, June 2, 2009


yesterday was our first day of teaching adorable vietnamese kindergardeners some english.
they knew a lot more already than we assumed they would, but they still seemed to get a kick out of saying hello and goodbye over and over again, especially once we set it to a tune and danced a little bit.
today we'll begin the alphabet and maybe even move on to colors, depending on how quick they pick things up...i wouldn't at all be surprised if we start on existential philosophy by the end of the week.
however, that kind of brainwork always works better with cold weather and a soy vanilla latte at hand. and i can promise you that neither of those are in the cards for me any time soon.
next week will be working with the local orphanages in the morning before we continue on to the schools in the afternoon.

we went grocery shopping yesterday and i almost had a panic/heart attack inside the massive store called BIG C.
it is worse than costco.


worse than costco.

i do miss ho chi minh city.
and our orphanage there.

and all of the wonderful kids i was so blessed to come into contact with.
(hopefully i can figure out how to get pictures of them up soon)
but i have a lovely feeling i'll be returning someday, so i'm not going to spend too much time missing them.
on another note, sally and i are sharing a room and our bathroom smells like rotting eggs.
we are blaming that on tyler and chris, their room is above our and we have a mysterious leak in the ceiling.
we also have a resident gecko on our ceiling.
i think i'll name him moses.
moses the gecko.
he can be my friend as long as he stays up there and doesn't decide to come cuddle with me in bed.

1 comment:

  1. Hi My, Your being in Da Nang brings back so many fond memories. When we lived in Laos we did a 3-day jeep drive with Marc and Jess from Viang Chan (Vientiane) Laos to Hanoi via Vinh, which is farther north than where you are now. Unforgettable. The rainy season, the geckos, and all the rest are defintely part of their childhood memories. Take care and take pictures! Love Les
