Sunday, June 14, 2009

nouc mia.

another weekend, come and gone.
on saturday morning we took a walk to the park with forty kids.
sounds simple enough.
the park is not close. and the weather was less than friendly.
along the way we picked up trash FOR A GREEN CLEAN AND BEAUTIFUL VIETNAM.
can i tell you, kids under the age of ten don't realize that leaves are not trash and it difficult to explain that it might not be sanitary to pick up cigarette butts and beer bottles.
however, we did make it to the park, and after getting insanely dizzy from spinning round and round on different contraptions we made our way back to our hotel.
i took a nap.
i was tired.

later in the afternoon a couple of us and some of our translators turned new friends went shopping.
here's the thing, i don't fit into clothes that are made for twelve year old girls.
evidently, vietnamese women do.

yesterday, we took the forty five minute journey to hoi an.
it's a little community of artists that was chalk full of tourists and even some western food.
it was a nice break and i tell you, if i was rich, i would be returning to the states with an incredible amount of paintings.

today is monday, which means we are back to teaching. wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. I like what you wrote. It is so funny. But " nuoc mia" not nouc mia". Ha . Hopefully you will write more and more. Take care ^^
