Tuesday, June 23, 2009


this morning at the orphanage a beautiful ten year old girl kept me entertained with an epically long game of slide.
i let her win. (not really. she's just better at keeping count than i am. she won fair and square)

yesterday, two of our translators took faryn and i to the hippest little coffee shop this side of the world.
i definitely did not feel cool enough to be sitting amongst the high school boys and girls sipping on their milk tea. 
also, i felt like an old lady because the music was kind of loud and i found myself yelling, "HUH?! WHAT?! this stuff is so loud! i can't hear you! WHAT?!"
so i'm going deaf in vietnam.
that's alright.
the coffee was really really good.

we only have the rest of this week left to teach in danang.
then we head off to hanoi to see the sights and then...home!

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