Saturday, June 27, 2009


there is a possibility i am not feeling so good and that i had to leave our day camp today earlier seeing as the facilities were not exactly comfortable for someone whose stomach was feeling the way mine was.
yes, that is what i'm saying.

however, reports about the day-long summer camp have thus far been fantastic.
and the weather hasn't been too bad either.
i made it long enough to star in a play about treating the environment with care in which i played the role of the all powerful mother earth.
upsetting is the fact that i did not get to impart my ribbon dancing skill upon these tiny little children.
oh well.
another time.

in other news, marissa amanda and i took our sweet time exploring the city last night for a good four hours. (that's a more glamorous way of saying we got lost in our attempt to find the grocery store)

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