Tuesday, June 16, 2009

toi tang la mya.

^^that's my name is mya.
in vietnamese. and probably spelled wrong.
the principal at the kindergarten where we teach every afternoon has slowly been teaching me some vietnamese and has been very nice when it comes to laughing at me when i slaughter the pronunciation.
by nice i mean that she laughs more quietly than our translators.
the laugh loud. and hard.

yesterday we got massages.
from blind women.
it was tight.
and also, now my muscles are not tight because i got a massage.

can i share that nap time dreams in vietnam are just weird?
i don't know who all is reading this blog, but there is a good chance you have been in my nap time dreams because i have seen just about everyone from the past five years of my life in the past week's worth.

also, vietnam is hot and God is good.


  1. Did i laugh at you? Sorry i didn't mean to laugh at you, girl.

  2. Tôi tên là Mya.

    And am I in your nap dreams? If so I am sorry.

  3. JoAnn said...
    Love your posts...keep them coming,Toi...

  4. **the translators didn't laugh viciously!
    i just meant that my poor vietnamese was laughable. that's all. :)

  5. I keep having dreams of apu people. It makes me miss it so bad! :(

