Thursday, June 18, 2009


my whole team went out to dinner last night to eat dog.
i stayed back at the hotel and read a book instead.
(what would jesus deconstruct? by john d. caputo)

then i went for a walk about the town.

a perfect evening to be sure.

yesterday we taught our little kindergartens HEAD SHOULDERS KNEES AND TOES.
cutest thing i've ever seen.
like, really.

this morning we had a meeting to plan our big day camp at the end of the month.
you'll all be glad to know that i have been put in charge of the ribbon dancing station.
i guess those classes i took back in the fifth grade are actually coming in handy.


  1. No offense to your team,but I think you made the better choice in staying behind and reading.

    That sounds so cute. I can just imagine little kids singing that. Did you teach them in English or did you learn the words in Vietnamese?

    Have fun and God bless,

  2. hi!! i'm not sure if i'm doing this right- yes i'm out of touch with technology- but i wanted to let you know i've been reading these and i have my faithful team card up on my desk at work. miss you lovely. your trip sounds glory-drenched.
