Saturday, June 20, 2009

hoi an, again.

we went to hoi-an, the little art town, again today.
sally and i spend our time terrorizing the streets on really rusty, really squeaky, really old rented bicycles.
that's right friends, MYA RANDLE WAS RIDING A BIKE.
i am conquering the fear.
plus, i got a really nice tan while i watched my dear friend sally here get redder and redder as the day proceeded.
worry not, we have already applied generous amounts of aloe vera upon arrival back at our hotel.

on our way to this lantern-lit corner of vietnam, we made a stop at marble mountain.
a little history lesson for you:
marble mountain is the mounatian that the vietcong hollowed out and used as a hospital during the war.
good idea, right? right.
guess what makes it even better?
it is located directly across from one of the largest US military bases in vietnam.
the US never had the slightest idea their enemy was hiding in the middle of a mountain.

speaking of brilliant, here are a couple pictures of faryn and i teaching our little kindergartens while sporting our lime green and yellow uniform shirts. 

i know, adorable.


  1. Ha. These look like spycam shots.


  2. wow. your guys' room is small!
    and, due to the bright light coming out of the window, it looks like you're teaching vietnamese children in heaven.

  3. bikes and tan?! i don't think i'll recognize vietnam mya when you return.
