Thursday, June 4, 2009


(another picture of the orphanage, but this time the inside!)

and this is my main man Nam.

they found my bag and sent it to me today.
so, i am now in possession of my nalgene, hebrew flashcards, fanny pack and sidekick once again.
i was secretly hoping they wouldn't be able to find it so i'd have an excuse to hop back on a plane to ho chi minh city and find it myself.
(stopping in on nam, hung, and my little peanut ti-na in the process)

as for daNang, 
teaching was INSANITY today.
you might not want to call it teaching.
maybe simply referring to it as headache would be more appropriate.

the kids like the alphabet, and aren't big fans of colors.
they mostly just like it when i dance around the room like a complete fool.
...i must say, i shake a mean tambourine.


  1. My, did you know that "Nam" means "water" at least in Laotian. xoxoxo Les

  2. Oops...just checked, in Vietnamese "nam" doesn't mean "water". Looks like it means "male"???? I liked my water translation better.
