Wednesday, June 24, 2009


today is our last official day of teaching.
i don't think i want to go, simply because i'm not going to want to leave once the class is over.
the principal at our school has already assured us that we will be welcome with open arms if we return next year.
...i'm not going to think about that quite yet.

yesterday was amanda's birthday, so we went out for a nice dinner on the beach.
4U RESTAURANT was our choice, and a lovely one it was-until half the team got food poisoning.
(it was the beef! this vegan is feeling fine.)
it was fun to get dressed up though. and we were all looking pretty good, i must say-even our hotel manager noticed that we had made an extra effort.
he loudly exclaimed 'WOW!' when we came down the stairs.
he's evidently tired of seeing us in green and yellow polo shirts that make us look like otter pops.
i can't blame him.

i finished another book last evening before i drifted off to sleep.
The Book of Laughter and Forgetting, by Milan Kundera.
good stuff.

1 comment:

  1. i want to borrow a lot of books from you when you get home ms ottapop
