Monday, June 1, 2009

what up Da Nang?!

today has been quite the day.
we left siagon early this morning, and after a very tearful goodbye and weird car ride in a taxi (tyler and marissa spent the entire time discussing different methods of catching carp and the difference between elk and moose meat), we arrived at the airport where i realized that one of my bags had not been put into the car.

no carry-on for mya.
no ipod for mya.
no phone for mya.
no money for mya.
no nalgene for mya.

i proceeded to cry a lot harder and the laugh when they couldn't seem to find my ticket for the plane trip.

they found it.
so, now i find myself in danang, with a promise of a 90 percent chance that we can get my bag here.

i have my doubts, but i am joyful-because this second beginning has been beautiful.

DaNang is a lovely little beach town.
the school where we will be working for the next month is permantely staffed with the most wonderful of people. 
we begin tomorrow.
i'll get back to you on exactly what were doing.

OH! p.s. i got peanut butter here in DaNang, so i don't care one bit about my lack of carry-on bag....i have peanut butter.

1 comment:

  1. What an....interesting taxi conversation! haha
    That is frustrating about your bag! I will be praying that it arrives quickly. I am glad though that things are otherwise going well and that you have peanut butter. haha
